Having a
Green or Eco Friendly Event doesn't mean the decorations need to be boring, it means you will have chosen decorations and food that are still spectacular, while being kind to the environment.
There are some people who don't stop to think that the choices they have made for their "little party" could be harmful to the environment, after all it's just "one" little party. Have they stopped to consider how many "little parties" are being held each day of each year. These small events add up to alot of plastic and non-biodegradable items being added to the landfills. By making a few small adjustments to your party planning choices you can make a huge positive impact to our environment.
Consider making the following changes to your next party:
1. Use fabric linens rather than plastic table cloths.
2. Use washable dishes rather than disposible, especially don't use styrofoam.
3. Use items you already have around your home for decorations rather than purchasing items you will discard.
4. Eat locally grown organic foods if available.
5. Have a daytime event which saves electricity.
6. Use the telephone or email to send out invitations to the event, saving paper (and money for postage, too)
7. Use unamplified (acoustic) music for your event.
8. Pass out hand fans if it's warm, or small blankets as lap throws if it's cold, rather than turning up the heat or air conditioning.
9. Use edible or useful favors. Cookies in a paper envelope make a great party favor!
10. Use live plants as centerpieces, and give to guests as they leave, or plant in your garden after the party.
Have fun, be creative, and call Events Extraordinaire if you need help planning your next event.